
Appearing in Sharpe's Gold, he is Sergeant in the South Essex, Rodd sees the opportunity to become a rich man in the French retreat from Spain.

Holding back from Sharpe's ambush of a French column, Rodd and his men arrive in time to loot the dead. He refuses Sharpe's orders, and leads the deserters off into the hills where, he asserts, the "Wild Men" will sell them wine, women and food.

Unfortunately for them, the wild men turn out to be more than they can handle. Rodd and his compatriots are lucky to escape with their skins intact when Wellington, desperate for troops, agrees to an exchange of deserters for Baker Rifles. Afterwards, he and his fellows are returned to Wellington, who turns down the Provost Marshal's call for execution and returns all the deserters to their regiments.


Rodd faces off against Sharpe.


This character did not appear in the novel of the same name, nor does the movie bear any resemblance to the novel, it is an original teleplay using only the title of the novel, not the plot. It breaks canon on several occasions; Sharpe's distaste for deserters, is well documented in the novels. Additionally, flogging was a standard punishment for deserters, if not execution.
