
Rifleman Reilly appeared in the television movie, Sharpe's Siege a soldier with the 60th Rifles under William Frederickson.


J.D. Kelleher as Reilly

On march, he tried to fake passing out in order to get a ride in a wagon. Sharpe, however was having none of it, and assigned him and his friend, Robinson, to night picket duty for the duration of the march to teach him the difference between fever and fatigue.

Reilly was killed during his first night on picket duty when he saw the Comte de Maquerre sneaking into camp, the traitorous comte did not want it reported, so summarily stabbed Reilly to death.

Robinson spoke over his grave, slipping Harper's small bottle of brandy into the hole (which Harper then retrieved, needing it more than the dead man). 

When Sharpe later asks the men to speak their minds about accepting a French offer of parole, Robinson asks only one question, had Maquerre killed Reilly. When the charge is confirmed, Robinson says they should fight to the finish.
